Sondag 12 Julie 2009

The lightbearer of English: Ode to dr. van Jaarsveld

You stand infront of us like an anchor.
We are completely relaxed, we stress no more.

We can only thank the creator
for a teacher that none of us can ignore.

But now we are standing in blindness.
Because you are going away and so will your kindess.

We wish you weren't standing at the door.
Because whom are we now going to adore?

We choose not to thin, as to ignore.
We can no longer do so because it's a factor.

We are going to miss this creature.
As to her return?
I am changing into a believer!

(Juffrou van Jaarsveld was 'n stunning Engelse onnie wat jou anders oor baie dinge laat voel het. Haar dag was gemaak as sy die liggie in jou oe sien aangaan het as jy uiteindelik verstaan het. Baie dankie vir die lesse wat juf my geleer het wat help dat ek vandag so 'n suksesvolle onnie is.)

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